ColabPro partner network

Colabpro offers a new IT staffing model by connecting businesses in need of skilled engineers with top-tier development companies ready to provide their best talents on a subcontracting basis.

Colabpro partner network brings together innovative development companies from 66 primarily Eastern European countries with over 10,000 engineers on board, commanding a wide range of industry expertise and technology.

Diversity is our strong point

In the fast-evolving IT world, we take pride in constantly broadening our geography and tech skill variability to always keep the competitive edge over “narrow focus” companies and recruiters, covering limited markets.

The reality is that today businesses face various IT challenges that cannot be covered through partnering with one or two software companies as every company usually has a single strong focus.

Our goal is to address this through a diversified partnership. While every partner has its own strong areas, we are constantly extending our partner network to cover all technologies and competencies our customers may need.

If we do not have it, we will work to find it. It takes us less time and effort to source and validate a new partner with the required competency than for a customer to obtain the same skill “on general terms” from scratch.

Partner network in numbers

66 countries
141 partner companies
2503 candidates offered in 3 years
19 skills/technology profiles
Partners 2021 2022 2023 Total
Candidates 1348 763 392 2503
Companies 49 47 43 141
Countries 36 50 36 66

Candidates by geography in 2021-2023

Country 2021 2022 2023
Poland 27 75 162
Georgia 14 79 32
Bulgaria 7 8 24
Romania 4 8 23
Ukraine 431 67 22
Azerbaijan 195 139 21
Kazakhstan 0 10 19
Lithuania 16 39 14

...and 57 more countries

Your opportunities with ColabPro

At ColabPro, we provide our partners with opportunities that are  

  • Individual. While customers may need more than one person for a particular opportunity, candidates are selected one by one. Co-location may be preferable, but rarely mandatory.
  • Full-time.  Unless stated otherwise in the opportunity description, the assignment is full-time and cannot be combined with other assignments. 
  • Open-ended. The opportunity end date is not set, and the customer considers the assignment as permanent. Two-four weeks’ notification will be provided to end the assignment.

As a partner, you will get access to all ColabPro active opportunities and be able to submit your candidates. In three years, we offered our partners (and filled with their engineers) over 950 opportunities.

Opportunities 2021 2022 2023 Total
Java 43 51 18 112
DevOps 32 42 11 85
.Net 85 28 10 123
Data engineering 17 17 10 44
Test automation 47 40 10 97
JavaScript 25 10 9 44
Python 29 23 7 59
DBA 1 1 5 7
C/C++ 6 4 4 14
React 14 19 4 37
Business Analysis 10 6 3 19
Data Analytics 0 0 3 3
PHP 11 6 3 20
React Native 10 2 3 15
ROR 6 8 3 17
SAP 0 1 3 4
Angular 15 20 2 37
Data science 1 1 2 4
Enterprise 0 0 2 2

...and more

Open opportunities

Currently, we are looking for IT professionals for the following open job positions:

Active Opportunities Number
DevOps 3
.Net 1
Business Analysis 1
Data science 1
JavaScript 1
NodeJS 1

Join ColabPro partner network

ColabPro is constantly looking for new partners who can extend our expertise, both geography- and technology-wise, and help us deliver greater value to our customers.

If you represent an outsourcing company in Eastern Europe and feel confident about your experience and skills, welcome to ColabPro Partner Network!

Please let us know about your interest by filling in the form below, and we will get back to you with additional information about our partnership program.

* indicates required